Monday, May 27, 2013

Looking Ahead and Better

Virgo May 27 2013
Don't question the path you have been on in the last week, Virgo. You considered it for a long time before setting out, and you made the right decision. As you move forward and gain momentum, you will broaden your viewpoint and you will begin to see things from a new perspective. This might cause you to feel more worried and apprehensive as you travel farther and farther out of your comfort zone. That's natural. You are moving away from your sense of security. But as you gain ground, you will also gain confidence. Keep going toward a bright future. Don't let anyone make you even think about turning back.

Libra May 27 2013
Just because you are right does not mean that another person will listen to you. After all, if that person didn't think he/she was right, then it wouldn't even be an issue - right? You may be tempted to straighten someone out about a certain matter, Libra, and being so fair-minded and objective, you probably think that your viewpoint is the right viewpoint. But even you - as unbiased as you are ordinarily - can be subjective without realizing it. Let the situation play out for a while, and you may change your opinion.

Capricorn May 27 2013
Meadows are filled with tiny flowers that you might not notice. The larger, more impressive flora and fauna capture your attention more easily. But sitting delicately below the meadow grasses, the shrubbery, and the perennials, there is an ocean of tiny faces peering up toward the sun. Try this sometime - go in search of all the tiny flowers you can find in a country field, and collect them for a very special miniature bouquet. You will be surprised by their abundance. The same goes for the blessings in your life, Capricorn. If you are dealing with a disappointment, start counting those tiny blessings.
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