Monday, February 11, 2013

Human Will

You can make yourself happy and you can make yourself sad. You have a certain amount of power as a human being. In the worst of times you can choose your perspective. You can work towards success or defeat. Accepting defeat is harder than working towards success. Because working towards success fuels you and working towards defeat drains you...depletes you and causes toxins to build up in your mind...which eventually poisons you

Death is a powerful motivator. It can motivate you to be a coward or a brave one. When death doesn't matter to you, when it doesn't phase you, you can do anything. When you're willing to risk your life to reach a goal, in some cases, when the goal is worthy, you succeed tremendously, as a result of bravery. They say life doesn't take sides or the universe doesn't take sides, but i think life favors the bold and brave and the results/rewards are often beautiful. It's like life notices and says, "you are are doing good in the world, you are brave and i notice your indomitable will"..and then life smiles and says, "because of this, i will favor you." And when life is on your side, even nature favors you. It's almost magical. I guess it's like tuning in to the awesomeness of of creation...the sacredness that not many take to time to connect to and with. it's an indescribable place to be's bigger than love...yes it is bigger than love...well i speak for myself

I don't think I've ever experienced this feeling for more than a few seconds. It's fleeting for me. But I've seen it in other people and I've seen them take their lives to heights only they could have imagined. And what's better is that they stay connected. It's almost other they're ahead of their times. But there is so much more to life than we know. I will speak for myself... I know so little. And will isn't such a strong factor in my life because i don't hold on to ideas for long. I'm always changing my beliefs. So i admire people who can stick to their the good sense.

The best way i use my will is choosing to see the best in every situation...adjusting my perspective...and choosing to be observant and cautious (or maybe that's fear). I guess i choose to see love as my motivator but when i get a glimpse if that feeling which is above love..well i cherish that.

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