Saturday, December 1, 2012

Self- Control in a Sea of Purses and Nice Pretty Things

Today I went into Forever 21 and left with nothing!...which rarely happens. I really wanted a gold sequined clutch but I decided that I really can't live like this.

As I earn more money I will just want to spend it on more expensive things. I really need to curb my habits...

But where does the Starbucks challenge experiment come in?  Not like I can compare Forever 21 and Starbucks but being a compulsive shopper can be detrimental in lots of ways.

I'm going to seek out new ways to find enjoyment and feel fulfilled as opposed to buying happiness.

I'm sure that will make me happier...or feel more fulfilled.

Because really I will never have enough stuff and I will always want more pretty things if I continue on this path (nothing's wrong with that and I think I shop in moderation...but..perhaps..) it's time to start saving and investing in other..more meaningful experiences that have some kind of "long term gratification" aspect.

I also wanted this chain mesh bag in the past... (which I don't even want anymore)

Had I bought it...wouldn't I still have wanted the gold sequined clutch I saw today? I'm never really satisfied .and that is the main problem.

Now to get to the root of it all..."I'm human" probably isn't a good enough answer.

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