Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Controlling the Crazy

In order to re-learn self discipline I've gone back to the past to learn about myself and my old habits (some of which I have retained.)
I'm glad I saved this book from high school that I used to journal in..
My younger me seems wiser, bolder and more focused and determined than my older self
This sounds "vomity" but I look up to the younger me because she keeps me hopeful.

But of course, as a youngster, I was more naive, narrow-minded and less tolerant. Not to mention narcissistic!
But weren't we all?

Now that I'm considering life on a wider scope it will be a challenge to keep focused on this rocky terrain. But my younger me knows what she wants and she's determined to get it.

Loves her!
By the way none of this makes sense in theory but it does in my psyche! and that's all that matters to me.

1 comment:

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