Sunday, October 19, 2014

Reflections: Things I've Learned from Hoarding Makeup

Makeup is fun and it can boost your confidence... so why not indulge

If I didn't have a guilty conscience and a limited income I'd splurge on expensive makeup often but that's not the case. ...

Anyway, with the makeup I've managed to accumulate I've realized a few things about the process. .. and myself:

1. The most fun part is the anticipation. .. seeing the product. . Researching it on YouTube or blogs. ..Wanting to own it and adding it to your "collection"

2. The craziest parts are running out of space to keep your makeup,  buying things you already have (same shade and brand because you forgot you even had it) and getting makeup instead of lunch 

3. Makeup hoarding might be an  addiction/disease/disorder in my case

4. You do come to your senses when you realize you don't need more than 10-12 products to create a ' look ' each day ... and that is really all you need to own. ..I dream of narrowing down my collection to just the hard core necessities. .. but will it still be fun?  Maybe I'll fall in love with other things.. like responsibilities

5. You might probably never use half the things you have... for instance,  I bought 3 backups for a lip gloss I loved last year. . But I have since fallen in love with other lip glosses

6. Makeup indulgence equals gluttony (on a bad day) or a way of loving yourself (on a good day)

7. Makeup is a distraction

8. Makeup is art (think viseart eyeshadow palettes)

9. You can go through stages where you fall out of love with makeup because you've fallen in love with your face. .. and then you panic when you realize you don't need any of that stuff you hoarded. .. and it becomes a crisis

10. You have to hide your addiction in discreet ways to avoid explaining your actions and then feeling guilty about what you spend your energy on

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