Sunday, December 1, 2013


Raccoon, Power Animal, Symbol of Our Many Masks, DexterityBy Ina WoolcottRaccoon's Wisdom Includes understanding the nature of masks, disguise, dexterity, seeking guidance and confidence, questioning without fear, balancing curiosity, shape shifting, secrecy.In some ways, the racoon is a clever scavenger. Their magic is their mask, though often the raccoon's mask is linked with its ‘banditry’ - they have been known to open peoples house doors and bin lids to take food - the mask has a far deeper meaning. No one, including you and I, are ever quite what we may seem - even to ourselves, for in our lives we can experience the freedom of many identities. Be it with friends, partners, children, parents, work colleagues, strangers etc. This medicine helps us to take on and let go of the many roles we fill. Having various identities isn’t negative, for we can learn to become adept at changing identities when appropriate. Over time this becomes as easy as selecting and changing ones clothes. Your many faces are about to be revealed to you. The racoon will assist you how to mask, disguise and transform yourself. Masks are a powerful tool - through the use of masks, altered states can be reached. Racoon people generally do well in professions to do with theatre.Raccoons seem indifferent when caught ‘stealing’, although if provoked they can become ferocious. They are strong and muscular and can hold their own in nearly all situations, teaching us to do the same.If Raccoon is your power animal, eating mainly fruit and vegetables will be beneficial to your health. Raccoon will have a long influence on your life, staying with you for a long time.Racoons are for the main nocturnal animals, travelling in small groups of 1 or 2 families searching for fruits, vegetables, and small animals. Often they can be seen sloshing their hands and food in water before eating. The symbol of hands represent holding, receiving or giving. If raccoon comes to you may be being asked to let go of a situation, person, belief or habit. Reversely, the message may be for you to receive the gifts being offered to you by the Universe.They are excellent swimmers, though they prefer being up a tree - which is where they are often found. Up here they are aware of everything around them and see danger a long way off. Racoons are highly curious leaving no stone unturned. This has its up and down sides. Following ones curiosity can pave the way for new and exciting things. However curiosity without caution can pave the way to trouble.

Source: shamanic journey

Raccoon as a Spirit Guide


Keywords:Resourcefulness, Trust, Curiosity, Playful Energy, Inquisitiveness, Dexterity

When Raccoon crosses your path:– Set aside any doubts you have and know that the resources you need will be there for you (analogous to the Magician card in the tarot.)– Adopt a more relaxed attitude; open yourself up to the joy of curiosity and ‘open-ended’ exploration* of life.– Be aware of any signs or omens you may be getting from those close to you on the other side.Think about Raccoon:They are adaptable to many types of living situations. They are extraordinarily clever, curious & resourceful. They have dexterous paws which help them get things they want, such as opening lids and latches to things, which might not be available to other animals. They are adventurous and courageously love to explore new things, yet they can be quite ferocious in defending themselves or their babies. They highly intelligent and have keen night vision.

Call on Raccoon energy when:- You need manual dexterity for a task- You are in a situation which calls for you to be more adaptable- You need to find more joy and excitement in life, through exploration and adventure- You need to feel comfortable with yourself despite what others think of you

Raccoon medicine teaches us:- To remain flexible and adaptable in the face of challenging situations- That we have the resources we need for challenging situations- How to choose which public face (or ‘mask’) is most appropriate for a specific situation

——References:– Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer– Shamanism, Vol. III, Animal Medicine Powers, by Dolfyn. ©1992 Earthspirit Inc.– Raccoon Facts– Animal-Speak by Ted AndrewsThis entry was written by Lisa Larson

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